
Impact Of The COVID-19 Pandemic On Domestic Violence

For most, a stay at home order issued by their state governor means boredom, working from home, or possibly no work at all. Many people complained about getting out of shape, being restless, or finding the social isolation to be difficult on them emotionally. However, many others across the country have experienced far worse consequences of social distancing and a stay at home order, particularly those who are in abusive relationships or have abusive parents or guardians. For these people, the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic can be far worse than simple boredom, as domestic violence cases have skyrocketed across the country throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 has created a lot of uncertainty for many people across the country, no matter what their home situation may be, but for those who are living under the fear of domestic violence these times can be even scarier. The added stress of financial worries, job loss, fear of illness, loss of family, and the other major impacts that we have all felt during these times can push violent partners or parents over the edge, and make a dangerous situation far worse than it was before the pandemic hit. For many, COVID-19 can feel like an impossible situation to navigate because of the danger that comes with staying home.

Contact the Law Offices of Vikas Bajaj To Speak With a Domestic Violence Attorney Today

Living in constant fear of domestic violence is an emotionally difficult situation no matter the surrounding circumstances, but due to the added pressures and fears of COVID-19, these situations can feel like they are a powderkeg. It can be terrifying to think about reaching out for help, and not knowing where to turn while staying safe of additional harm can cause serious emotional trauma above and beyond the pain and trauma of the abuse. The team at the Law Offices of Vikas Bajaj is here to help, and will work with you discreetly in order to find a solution that works for you so that you can prioritize your own safety.

COVID-19 has complicated many things, but we want to work to make sure that getting the safety and support that you need and deserve is not one of them. While the whole world seems to be off-balance, we will work to find some stability and safety for you while seeking out an appropriate legal course of action for your needs. Contact us as soon as possible so that we can begin working together today.

How Has Coronavirus Affected Domestic Violence in the United States?

For those who have been, or are in, an abusive relationship, it can be easy to understand how complicated it can be to get up and leave the situation. With coronavirus raging around us, these complications can seem like impossible hurdles, and in some cases, the abuser may simply use coronavirus as leverage to keep their abused partner trapped in the relationship, unable to leave the home. In fact, the extreme lengths that many go to in order to stay safe, such as fully isolating, leaving their home only for essential trips, act to obscure the fact that others are unable to leave their home due to their abuser.

In addition to the excuses that abusers now have to keep their partners trapped in a violent home, the tensions that have arisen due to economic insecurity, boredom, anxiety, and fear have given rise to more violent behaviors in already dangerous households, leading to what the United Nation has called

Staying Safe During COVID-19

The National Domestic Violence Hotline has provided the following information on their website about how COVID-19 can impact partner violence:

  • Abusive partners may withhold necessary items, such as hand sanitizer or disinfectants.
  • Abusive partners may share misinformation about the pandemic to control or frighten survivors, or to prevent them from seeking appropriate medical attention if they have symptoms.
  • Abusive partners may withhold insurance cards, threaten to cancel insurance, or prevent survivors from seeking medical attention if they need it.
  • Programs that serve survivors may be significantly impacted –- shelters may be full or may even stop intakes altogether. Survivors may also fear entering shelter because of being in close quarters with groups of people.
  • Survivors who are older or have chronic heart or lung conditions may be at increased risk in public places where they would typically get support, like shelters, counseling centers, or courthouses.
  • Travel restrictions may impact a survivor’s escape or safety plan – it may not be safe for them to use public transportation or to fly.
  • An abusive partner may feel more justified and escalate their isolation tactics.

Make a Safety Plan

If you are planning to leave an abusive relationship at any time, regardless of whether or not there is a global pandemic, creating a safety plan for how you will be safe in your home, when you are planning to leave, or after you have left is the most important first step to take. Having a comprehensive plan means that no matter how scary or stressful things get, you will be able to reference your plan and stick to the steps that you have laid out.

Prioritize Self-Care

Taking care of yourself during this stressful and dangerous time is one of the most important things that you can do to. Make sure that you are meeting your basic needs, such as eating and sleeping, and then continuously try to go further, perhaps by engaging in a hobby, get some physical activity, or simply just sit quietly by yourself to get a moment to recharge. 

Get Help

Contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline, or a domestic violence attorney in your area, as soon as possible to get the support that you deserve in order to make a plan and safely get out of the situation. The team at the Law Offices of Vikas Bajaj has years of experience providing legal support to domestic violence victims, and we will be here to help you through the uncertainty of COVID-19 in order to get the safety and support that you truly deserve.


Domestic Violence